Cross-cultural briefings
Cross cultural briefings are designed for individuals, businesses or government departments. A range of topics are available to select from. Some examples are listed below. Other study topics of your choice can be included. Specific programs are designed to meet the objectives of the organisation or individual. For details about briefing design and quote please contact IML.
Why hold cross-cultural briefings
- To conduct successful business in another country.
- To learn how culture affects business deals.
- To write effective tenders for overseas markets.
- To gain an advantage over competitors in a particular market.
- To prepare staff for relocation or overseas business visits.
- To improve cultural understanding and communication in a multicultural workplace.
What is covered in a cross-cultural briefing
General information
- Geography
- People
- Housing and security
- Education
- Services
- Driving and transport
- Shopping
- Time and leisure
- Food
- Drink and travel
- Social courtesies
- First encounters
- Non-verbal communication
- How does one use "Yes" and "No"?
- Are there a range of meanings?
- What are popular topics of conversation?
- Hospitality
- Dress rules
- Gift giving
- What kinds of hospitality are likely to be extended?
Social order
- Role of religion
- Family
- Men and women
- To what extent is the family the basic unit of society?
Public relations
- Political
- Economic
- Social
- What do people think is important in their political system?
Time horizons
- Past
- Present
- Future
- What is the general attitude towards time?
Directions of change
- What are the most powerful symbols of modernity?
Doing business
- Means of communication
- Negotiation
- Conduct of commercial business
- Local work practices
- What are likely to be the greatest barriers in making contacts?