Course details

Wed 6:30-8:30pm AEST 24/07 - 16/10/2024 (IML Calendar)20 hours (10 x 2-hour sessions)Video conferencing (Zoom)Course fee: $380 (early bird fee $345)

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About Japanese Level 6B

Australia no minasan, konnichi wa!

You have advanced knowledge of the Japanese language and feel confident communicating in Japanese across a wide range of situations? This language course will extend linguistic competency and accuracy. Engaging lessons, conducted via  Zoom video conferencing, will give you the opportunity to focus on specific skills in order to develop a greater mastery of the Japanese language.   This course covers only Course Outline Part B.

About IML Japanese Level 6B

Previous knowledge required: IML Japanese Level 6A or equivalent. 

Course level (CEFR): B1. See the IML Self-Assessment CEFR Level Guide for further information.

Course focus: speaking, reading, listening and writing skills.

Course content: See the Course content (PDF) for topics, language functions and structures taught in IML Japanese Level 6B classes.

Optional Assessment: An optional examination is held at the end of the course and an IML Statement of Proficiecny is then issued. See the IML Optional Assessment page.

Certification: An IML Statement of Attendance is available upon request for students who have attended at least 75% of the course.

Future study options: IML Japanese Level 7A.

Textbook: Banno, el al. 3rd edition. Genki 2, An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese. Textbook ISBN: 9784789017329 . Recommended Only: Genki 2 Workbook, 3rd edition ISBN:  9784789017336  Audio files available via the app "OTO Navi".             

This text can be purchased as an e-book  from  The Japan Times Book Club or Amazon Kindle. Search using the title of the textbook

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